You know, when reading the initial character class description, I was strongly reminded of Dr. Orpheus from Venture Bros. He'll say stuff like "If a regular magician grabs behind your ear he'll only pull out a penny – I, Dr. Orpheus, however, will pull out your very soul!"

Also, as I remember, his doctorate degree is in women's studies or something.

I like how most of these spells have a very dubious utility that players will have to think hard how to press into any non-self-destructive service. Invisible tiger is terrifying and basically its own adventure seed. How long does cavern slave last?

I'd totally love to play a pulp/20s/cthulhu-game again but currently the only DMing I have in my life is me leading a group of children (two of them my own) through my homebrew StarWars-Game.

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I feel a strong personal sympathy for Dr. Orpheus in many ways.

Cavern Slave lasts a few hours, probably, though it might be funnier if the magician can just fill her house with them. I'm aiming for the fine line between "totally useless" and "will totally warp your game if used just right". Invisible tiger is funny to me because it strongly encourages the players to buy as many tigers as possible.

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IIRC the last time "demons" showed up they were proxies for the Horned King, the trapped Annukai-Minotaur whose cucking created biology as we know it, so I'm assuming whatever "angels" and "heaven" Jannes and Jambres are invoking is of a similar not-quite-the-one-you-know nature. Which is a technique of defamiliarisation I do enjoy, reminds me a bit of Fallen London.

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Yeah it's probably something like that. I flipflopped a little on whether angels and Heaven should even be in here before deciding that they should be and I'd figure out what they actually were later on. All "demons" work for the Horned King, so maybe angels are fallen demons in some way?

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Where can I read about this Horned King stuff Conrad is talking about? Is that another post of yours?

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Yes, I wrote about him here: https://strangeaeons.substack.com/p/labyrinths-of-london.

The Horned King is Marduk, the leader of the Annunaki, a race of ancient aliens. He saved the solar system from the cosmic dragon Tiamat billions of years ago, and declared himself rightful ruler of the universe. But he was betrayed by his wife Ishtar and imprisoned in a labyrinth dimension outside reality. His cultists want to bring him back and set him up as King of Everything again.

I'm making the lore up as I go along, so it's not laid out in a very accessible way yet. Eventually I hope to put it all together in a book. When I do that I'll spell it out more clearly at the beginning, so you won't have to go looking for it.

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