My godmother (an old and wise woman, medical doctor of psychiatry, former avid Nazi [as a teenager - she graduated high school in the last days of the war]) once told me that every nation in the world secretly views itself as the centerpoint of human history and the cradle of culture and civilization. You got that sentiment into this very nicely.

Everyone in Europe considers themselves to be the successors of the Roman empire (and/or Greek "democracy") somehow. Everyone in East or Central Asia claims either China or the Mongolians among their kin.

Perhaps I should take the family on a vacation to Romania at some point. It's only two days driving from here and probably a very cheap place to stay. Landscapes do look very beautiful.

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Yeah I love minor nationalisms. Going to get into this with the Turks and the Indians as well. The 1920s were a great time for pseudo-archaeological occult histories.

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It's kind of funny, in a sad way, how many modern Jewish public figures, particularly in Israel, have embraced this same sort of reactionary racial mythology/pseudo-science. Just more evidence that these beliefs stem from people's material contexts rather than some idealistic, essential racial/national consciousness.

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